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Brighton MA

Entering the Shaloh House Day School felt like walking through a tunnel. The narrow concrete sidewalk that led from the street to the front door was closely flanked by 2.5 foot high stucco walls topped by three-foot high privet hedges.


Shaloh House

Shoplick Landscape Architecture was asked to design a new entry terrace, parking lot and plantings around the building. The existing stucco walls of the entry 'tunnel' were removed and the front of the building excavated to make a generous new entrance with seating areas, wide entry steps, an accessible ramp, stairs to access the parking lot, and plantings. 

The new retaining walls were built from Roxbury Pudding Stone to match the school's existing puddingstone walls along the street edge. The terrace was laid with Chelmsford Gray granite pavers accented by Vermillion Red pavers that match the school's red brick. The center of the terrace features a 36" x 48" granite paver with "WELCOME" engraved in both English and Hebrew.
Hedges of Ever-Low Yews and Winter Gem Boxwood were chosen for their hardiness, low spreading growth habit, and minimal maintenance requirements. These two evergreen hedges were complemented by brightly and boldly flowering shrubs and perennials, including Lilacs, Nova Zembla Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Daylilies, Daisies, and May Night Sage.


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